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Exec Ed: Family Enterprise Suite

As many family businesses throughout the world transition to new generations of leaders, their success and continuity depend on the management and leadership effectiveness of those at the top. The John L. Ward Center for Family Enterprises at Kellogg has developed a comprehensive curriculum that will help established, new and aspiring family business leaders master the concepts and skills required to navigate the intricacies of these complex organizations.

These programs cover the full gamut of management issues from family business strategy, governance and succession planning to entrepreneurship, family offices and family business culture. Guided by our faculty of experts in family business practice, seasoned advisors and leaders of best-in-class family enterprises, your learning experience will include interactive lectures, case studies and group discussions with peers facing family business challenges similar to yours.

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Kellogg offers courses, co-curricular activities, resources, and mentorship to support leaders of family enterprises at various stages of growth.

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The Kellogg School of Management enhances the development of experienced professionals and world-class leaders like you. Here in the company of the world's most prominent executives, you will develop new frameworks for solving tough business problems while broadening your global network. Enrolling in Kellogg's top-tier Executive MBA Program is one of the best investments you can make in your future.

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